新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不动产登记首月土地证办件量增五成 楼市显回暖迹象

不动产登记首月土地证办件量增五成 楼市显回暖迹象

Real estate registration the first month of land certificates do increased 50% market significantly warmer signs

2015-03-31 10:32:06来源: 益房网

本报讯 不动产登记实施首月,市民办证热情高涨。市国土局信息显示,市房屋登记中心和惠山区政务服务中心试点两处的土地证办件量近4000份,与去年同期比增加了50%以上,其中土地证、房产证联办量约占60%...

Washington real estate registration implementation of the first month, rush people enthusiasm. City Land Bureau information display, the city housing registration center and the Huishan district administrative service center pilot two land certificate handled nearly 4000 copies, compared with the same period last year increased by more than 50%, of which the land certificate, real estate license jointly accounted for 60%...