新关注 > 信息聚合 > 见一次打一次 外媒评十大欠揍游戏角色

见一次打一次 外媒评十大欠揍游戏角色

See a play a foreign media evaluation of 10 months after the game

2015-11-27 11:21:28来源: 新浪

大家周遭应该多少有这样的人,他可能不太会看气氛,行为举止太拖沓让人动不动就火大,或者是说话很白痴之类的。有时候只是想好好玩个游戏,却还会在游戏里看到这类烦躁的角色,以下由外国网站选出的十大莫名欠揍的电玩角色,简直让人抓狂! Claptrap(无主之地) Claptrap就是经典的聒...

How much everyone around him should have such a person, he may not see mood, behavior is too big, let a person easily fire procrastination or speak very idiot or something like that. Sometimes just want to have fun games, but also in the game to see this kind of be agitated, the role of the following selected by foreign websites of the top ten unexplained batting practice of video game characters, can let a person crazy! Claptrap (no land) Claptrap is classic hype...

标签: 游戏