新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《疑案追声》:用精炼的玩法,讲精彩的故事


"Suspect chasing Sound": a refined play, telling a wonderful story

2019-04-01 11:00:00来源: 游戏时光

意外、开心、满足,《疑案追声》可以说是我至今为止最喜欢的 NEXT 作品。尽管游戏仅需三五小时即可通关,但它带来的体验却相当完整,如果要打个比方的话,那就是这数小时的游戏体验里没有“赘肉”。《疑案追声》的玩法用一句话就可以说清楚:看案发现场的俯视图,听监听记录,接着找到犯人。游戏中玩家可以进行的操作只有回放音频、跟随人物、标记名字、得出答案四种,开始到结束均是如此。但在这样的情况下,《疑案追声》却用精炼的玩法讲了个精彩的故事。而这故事之所以能让人听得进去,是因为开发者先让“耳朵怀了孕”。堪比ASMR的音效与充满烟火气的配音所谓 ASMR,指的是一种感官刺激。这种刺激可以来自嗅觉、视觉、触觉,但...

Unexpected, happy, contented, "suspect chasing sound" can be said to be my favorite NEXT work so far. Although the game can be cleared in just 35 hours, the experience is quite complete, and if you want to make an analogy, there is no "fat" in the hours of the game experience. "Suspicious pursuit" of the play in a word can be said clearly: Look at the crime scene of the overlooking map, listen to the listening record, and then find the prisoner. Players in the game can only play back the audio, follow the characters, mark the name, draw the answer four kinds, start to the end of the same. But in such a situation, "suspect chasing sound" but with a refined play to tell a wonderful story. And the story can be heard because developers let "the ears Get Pregnant" first. Comparable to the sound effects of ASMR and the dubbed ASMR, which is full of pyrotechnic gas, refers to a sensory stimulation. This stimulation can come from smell, vision, touch, but ...