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美国星巴克肯德基明年将支持Apple Pay

American Singh Barker Kendl Ki next year support apple Pay

2015-10-09 08:29:14来源: 亿邦动力网

10月9日消息,据国外媒体报道,苹果旗下的Apple Pay即将大范围地扩大触角,全美各地的星巴克、肯德基和Chilis正准备在2016年支持该项移动支付服务,今年将展开试行项目。Apple Pay高管詹妮弗贝莉(Jennifer Bailey)周四在Code/Mobile大会上表示,今年年底前,星巴克的特定店面将会试行兼容Apple Pay,而它对Apple Pay的广泛支持将于2016年实现。计划整合该移动支付服务的品牌商还包括肯德基和Chilis,这些整合有望使得Apple Pay触及新的消费群体。贝莉称,肯德基在她心目中有着特殊的地位,因为该快餐连锁店是她的第一个雇主。至于星巴克,它是...

10 month on the 9th, according to foreign media reports, Apple's apple pay is big range expanded tentacles, across the United States Starbucks, KFC and Chilis is ready to in 2016 support the movable supporting services are paid, this year launched the pilot project. Pay Apple (Bailey Jennifer) on Thursday at the Code/Mobile conference, said that before the end of this year, Starbucks's specific store will be a pilot compatible with Pay Apple, and its wide support for Pay Apple will be achieved in 2016. Plans to integrate the mobile payment service providers also include KFC and Chilis, which is expected to make the integration of Pay Apple new consumer groups. Bailey said that KFC has a special status in her mind, because the fast food chain is her first employer. As for Starbucks, it is...

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