新关注 > 信息聚合 > 突破次元壁,广州美莱又将医美营销玩出了新花式!


Breakthrough time yuan wall, guangzhou lai and medical beauty marketing play a new fancy!

2018-07-28 18:06:00来源: 品途网

近年来,品牌正加码二次元产业,无论在动漫文化的起源地,还是在崛起的中国市场,“动漫+”正带热国内二次元经济,就像:“《全职高手》X 麦当劳 《快把我哥带走》X 必胜客 《阴阳师》X 广汽丰田 最火的“纸片男友” 《恋与制作人》X 多芬、力士、立顿、德芙” ......众多品牌纷纷玩起破次元营销,分羹市场。 而近期广州美莱《美少女整形日记》系列漫画的横空出世,也搅动了习惯一本正经、照本宣科的医美广告界。新鲜打法让人不禁惊呼:“原来医美广告还可以这样玩!” 系列长图漫画,一方面有着颜值杠杠的漫画人物和充满趣味的流行梗,另一方面产品和漫画形象的完美结合,既抓住了受众,又贴切地宣传了产品。 (篇...

In recent years, the brand is upping the secondary industry, no matter in the origin of animation culture, or the rise of the Chinese market, "anime +" is a hot domestic secondary yuan economy, like: "the full-time master X McDonald's" fast and take away my brother "pizza hut" Onmyoji "X X gac Toyota's hottest" paper boyfriend "love and producer" X "dove, guinness, Lipton, dove"... Many brands are playing dimensional marketing, market share. The recent guangzhou lai plastic is a beautiful girl Chronicles series was born, also stirred the habits in all seriousness, literal medical beauty advertising. Fresh style lets a person can not help but exclaim: "originally medical beauty advertising can play like that!" Long figure comics series, on the one hand, has the appearance level of leverage the popularity of cartoon characters and fun terrier, on the other hand products and the perfect combination of cartoon, already caught the audience, and well to promote the product. (article...