新关注 > 信息聚合 > 何彦霓醉酒大哭爱爬树 《封神英雄榜2》打造古装..

何彦霓醉酒大哭爱爬树 《封神英雄榜2》打造古装..

He Yanni drunken cry love climbing "Fengshen hero 2" to create a costume..

2014-06-12 13:59:47来源: 娄底新闻网

《封神英雄榜2》打造古装版千颂伊 娄底新闻网讯 由陈键锋、何彦霓主演的大型古装爆笑喜剧《封神英雄榜2》正在紧张拍摄中,一向擅长饰演古典美女的何彦霓,此番180度自我颠覆,出演姜子牙的疯妻子—马招娣。在剧中醉酒、躺卧、爬树、完全没包袱的疯癫出演让她自嘲“害怕会掉粉”。 何彦霓首次出演疯...

"Fengshen heroes list 2" to create a costume version qianson Iraq Loudi news network by Sammul Chan, starring He Yanni costume drama "the myth of large Heroes 2" was shot in tension, has always been good at playing the classical beauty of He Yanni, the 180 degree of self subversion, starred in Jiang Ziya's mad wife Ma Zhaodi. In the play drunk, lie down, climb trees, absolutely no burden of madness in let her self deprecating "afraid of falling powder". He Yanni appeared for the first time mad...