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Oculus Touch即将上市! 7款最佳适配游戏

Upcoming Oculus Touch! Best fit game 7

2016-10-09 08:25:32来源: 17173

有了即将发布的触摸控制器,Oculus Rift必将变得越来越好。但在我们了解到对这款硬件的所有相关信息之前,让我们再来总结一下在这两个月内市面上发布了哪些大制作的Rift手柄游戏吧。(文:17173VRPoetemeow) VR游戏下载、新游推荐、福利,尽在17173VR! 《核...

With the touch of the upcoming controller, Oculus Rift will getting better and better. But as we learned before all the relevant information of the hardware, let's sum up in this two months released on the market which made big Rift handle game. (wen: 17173 vrpoetemeow) VR game downloads, XinYou recommended, welfare, in 17173 VR! The nuclear...

标签: 游戏 Oculus