新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盘点奇葩进球:王亮超远乌龙 王大雷曾低级失误

盘点奇葩进球:王亮超远乌龙 王大雷曾低级失误

Inventory wonderful goal: Liang Chao Wang far Oolong Wang Lei had lower failure moment of

2015-05-26 10:33:55来源: 华体网

回放进球瞬间:丁海峰偷袭 力帆门将喝水酿丢球 本轮中超联赛,力帆和辽足之战,辽足快发任意球时,力帆门将隋维杰居然在喝水,导致刘宇轻松破门扳平比分直播。这也许是中超联赛有史以来,最奇葩的一次丢球。...

replays of the goals: dinghaifeng attack Lifan goalkeeper drink wine lost ball of the current round of Super League, Lifan and Liaozu war, Liaozu quickly free kick, Lifan goalkeeper Sui Weijie actually in the water and lead to Liu easily broke Banping score live. This may be the Super League has ever, the most wonderful time to throw the ball. ...