新关注 > 信息聚合 > 少白头可多按摩头皮 白发不会越拔越多

少白头可多按摩头皮 白发不会越拔越多

Shao Baitou can massage the scalp hair does not pull the more

2014-12-12 15:53:06来源: 中国青年网

原标题:少白头可多按摩头皮 白发不会越拔越多 核心提示:坊间一直传言说,白发拔一根会重新长出三根,究竟是不是真的呢? 白头发不会越拔越多 流言:不少年轻人因为各方面身体因素或多或少地冒出了白...

original title: Shao Baitou can massage the scalp hair does not pull the more core tip: there has been rumors, hair pulling one will re grow three root, what Is it right? Really? White hair does not pull the more gossip: many young people because the body more or less out of white...