新关注 > 信息聚合 > 坐班族轻敲胆经防便秘 四类便秘对症食疗

坐班族轻敲胆经防便秘 四类便秘对症食疗

Light it imprisoned family of four kinds of anti constipation constipation symptomatic diet

2016-08-11 07:22:40来源: 太平洋女性网

坐班族轻敲胆经防便秘 在中医理论中,“少阳为枢”,足少阳胆经上下贯空身体,就像掌管门户开合的连接轴一样,是气机升降出入的枢纽,对各个脏腑功能都有调节作用。大腿外侧正是其循行之处,轻敲此处,可刺激...

Light it imprisoned family to prevent constipation in TCM theory, the "Shaoyang as pivot", the foot Shaoyang meridians on air through the body, as in the opening and closing the portal connecting shaft is the same, Qi is the hub, have a moderating effect on the function of organs. The lateral thigh is its circulation, tapping here, can stimulate...