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意外!名宿现身火箭训练营 小佩顿直言感到惊讶

Surprise! Legend on the rockets training camp Small payton was surprised

2016-09-26 08:54:08来源: 搜狐

北京时间9月26日消息,来自《休斯顿纪事报》的报道称,作为菜鸟,加里-佩顿二世没有料到,他的明星老爸竟意外现身火箭队训练营。据悉,“手套”不仅观看了儿子训练,还送上鼓励。 小佩顿身高1米91,与...

Beijing time on September 26, news, from the Houston chronicle reported that as a novice, did not expect Gary payton ii, his star father unexpectedly unexpectedly appeared on the rockets training camp. It is reported, "gloves" training, not only watch the son also to encourage. Small payton height 1 meter 91, and...