新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女举53公斤黎雅君零成绩失金 中华台北名将夺冠

女举53公斤黎雅君零成绩失金 中华台北名将夺冠

Colin li zero women for 53 kg lost gold Chinese Taipei will win

2016-08-08 07:08:12来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间8月8日凌晨3点50分,2016里约奥运会女子举重53公斤级A组决赛结束争夺,中国选手黎雅君在抓举名列第一的情况下,不慎在挺举比赛中三把砸锅,以零成绩结束比赛。去年世锦赛冠军、中...

Dispatch of sina sports Beijing time at 3 o 'clock in the morning on August 8, 50 points, Rio DE janeiro Olympic Games women's weightlifting 2016 - kilogram 53 for the end of the final group A Chinese player colin li ranked first in the snatch, inadvertently in the clean and jerk three anyway, ended the game with zero grades. In the last year's world championship,...