新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小巧便宜四合一 太原佳能MX398超低价

小巧便宜四合一 太原佳能MX398超低价

Compact and inexpensive four super cheap

2015-04-09 19:34:23来源: 中关村在线

【山西省太原市行情】佳能MX398 拥有简约时尚的外观设计,十分节省办公空间。同时具备打印、复印、扫描和传真四项功能,一机多用,性能配置也强悍出色,非常适合日常商务办公使用。目前,经销商“太原佳益(...

Taiyuan Canon MX398 [, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province market] Canon MX398 has simple and stylish design, is to save office space. At the same time with printing, copying, scanning and fax four functions, a multi-purpose machine, performance is also strong, very suitable for daily business office use. At present, the dealer "(Taiyuan jiayi...