新关注 > 信息聚合 > 德州扑克英文术语进阶——WSOP篇


The advanced English terminology of Dezhou poker -- WSOP

2018-01-08 10:59:16来源: 任玩堂

前面介绍了德州扑克当中的一些足以让中国玩家直接上手英文对局环境的一批入门级英文术语。不过,仅仅学会这些,对于想要无障碍听懂WSOP这样的顶级赛事英文直播,或是看懂英文版的经典对局记录、对局评论,恐怕还远远不够。的确,在德州扑克圈,尤其是在WSOP这样的大赛里,还有不少进阶术语,即便是英语达人,若没有实践经验,恐怕也未必能够很快理解其具体含义。接下来,不妨一起来学学这些足以帮助各位进阶英文德州扑克老司机的升级版术语词汇吧——Aggressive:进攻性强,具有频繁下注和加注狠的特色的游戏风格。American Airlines:AA,一对A的起手牌Add-On:一般指在可以再次报名的锦标赛中最后...

A number of entry - level English terms in Dezhou poker are introduced, which are sufficient for Chinese players to direct English to the local environment. However, if we learn these things, it is not enough for us to listen to the top events, such as WSOP, or to read the classic match and commentary of the English version. Indeed, there are still many advanced terms in the Dezhou poker circle, especially in the WSOP competition. Even if the English speakers don't have practical experience, they may not be able to quickly understand its specific meaning. Next, we might as well learn these vocabulary words to help you advance the English Dezhou poker old driver's upgraded term -- Aggressive: offensive style, with frequent bet and strong features. American Airlines:AA, the starting card of a pair of A generally refers to the last of the championships that can be enlisted again.