新关注 > 信息聚合 > 剑侠世界拿下畅销榜第二位 小米互娱背水一战

剑侠世界拿下畅销榜第二位 小米互娱背水一战

Knight errant world won the bestseller lists Millet entertainment each wall

2016-09-23 19:02:02来源: 07073游戏网

新游力作不断涌出,促使榜单的竞争越发激烈。昨日由西山居研发、小米互娱发行的MMOARPG手游《剑侠世界》开启了iOS及安卓双平台公测。开服仅4小时,《剑侠世界》就拿下了App Store畅销榜TOP3的位置,首日DAU超100万,截止发稿已上升至TOP2。当所有人都在讨论西山居“剑侠三部...

XinYou works out to list more competitive. Yesterday issued by xishan in research and development, the millet mutual entertainment MMOARPG mobile game "knight errant world" opens the iOS and android platform open beta. Take only 4 hours, "knight errant world" will win the App Store seller TOP3 position, on the first day DAU exceeds 1 million, cut-off time has risen to ranked by. When everyone is talking about dying in "knight errant three...