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梦想家拉里佩奇:谷歌的领航员 帝国缔造者

Larry Paige: visionary Google navigator empire builder game

2014-11-14 10:28:30来源: 178游戏网

11月14日,据财富网站报道,尽管谷歌核心业务还在继续增长,拉里 佩奇(Larry Page)却在开发新技术方面投入重金——例如可用于发现肿瘤的纳米颗粒和有助于普及宽带连接的互联网气球,希望这些技术能改变未来的世界。 佩奇认为,一切皆有可能。与手下的工程师和科学家相比,他的思维要超前...

11 month 14 days, according to the wealth of Web site reported, although Google core business continues to grow, Larry Paige (Larry Page) -- for example, but can be used for the discovery of nanoparticles tumors and contributes to the popularity of broadband Internet connections balloon heavily in new technology development investment, I hope these technologies could change the future of the world. Paige think, everything is possible. Compared with his engineers and scientists, his thinking to advance...

标签: 谷歌