新关注 > 信息聚合 > 前SCEE总裁:硬件向下兼容不是什么好主意


Former President, SCEE: hardware backward compatibility is not a good idea

2016-04-12 18:58:56来源: 电玩巴士

玩家总是希望自己能在次世代平台玩到旧主机上的经典游戏,这种需求无可厚非。然而从市场角度看,硬件的向下兼容绝不是什么好主意。今天,对同一内容的重复消费已经成为厂商一大创收点。 任天堂一直有主机向下兼容一代的传统,是这种策略的主要推动者。微软和索尼对向下兼容的态度则模棱两可,谈不上多积极...

Players always hope I can play in the next generation platform to old classic games on the host, this need. However, from the market point of view, the hardware of backward compatibility is no good idea. The repetition of the same content today, consumption has become the manufacturer a great revenue. Nintendo has been a host backward compatibility generation of tradition, are the main drivers of this strategy. Microsoft and SONY's attitude to backward compatibility is ambiguous, no more positive...