新关注 > 信息聚合 > C罗代言的nubia Z11 Max出金色版了 1999元开售

C罗代言的nubia Z11 Max出金色版了 1999元开售

C Luo Dai Yan's Nubia Z11 Max has a gold version of 1999 yuan for sale.

2016-07-25 17:23:04来源: TechWeb

【机锋网】nubia Z11 Max凭借着高颜值、大屏幕、超强续航能力持续在官网热销,目前新配色正式登陆官网,nubia Z11 Max金色版于7月25日正式开售,售价为1999元。 nubia ...

Nubia Z11 Max by virtue of high color, large screen, super endurance capacity continued in the official network, the new color officially landed on the official website, the Nubia Z11 Max Gold Edition was officially opened in July 25th, the price is 1999 yuan. Nubia...