新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谁是新时代的王者《征途》"造星赛"热浪频掀


Who is the king of a new era of "journey" "Star game" heat wave frequency lift

2016-08-09 00:43:10来源: 天极网

纵观《征途》历史你会发现,众多大神扬名各有千秋,但如果追溯到他们扬名全区,则全区性质的大型赛事,一定会是他们扬名的最快途径。 段位赛作为目前《征途》最有影响力的全区赛事,是给位大神们扬名的最好时机,如“问天羽”、“吉O指挥官”还是“风云HuMan”、“风致子”等老牌战神问世,如今,“...

Throughout the "journey" history, you will find that many great God famous, each has its own merits, but if traced back to their famous region, then the whole area of the nature of the big event, will certainly be the fastest way to become famous. At present, the "journey" Dan race as the most influential of the tournament, is the best time for a famous people, such as "Q-day feather", "Ji commander O" or "HuMan", and "wind" and other old war came today,"...