新关注 > 信息聚合 > 长春直达三亚火车开通 全程51小时

长春直达三亚火车开通 全程51小时

Changchun direct train to Sanya opened 51 hours

2016-05-15 21:09:08来源: 中国广播网

央广网长春5月15日消息(记者于中涛)记者从长春火车站了解到,今天( 5月15日)起长春至广州东Z384/ Z383次延长至三亚终到、始发,Z384次从长春17:05发车,经停23个车站,21:25分到达三亚,运行里程4426公里,运行时间为51小时05分,延伸服务距离1123公里,东北...

CNR Changchun network May 15th news (reporter Tao) reporter from the Changchun railway station to understand, today (May 15) from Changchun and Guangzhou East Z384/ Z383 extended to Sanya to the end of the, originating, Z384 from Changchun 17:05 departure, after stop of 23 stations, 21:25 arrived in Sanya, the running mileage 4426 kilometers, running time for hours and 51 05, extending service from 1123 km northeast.