新关注 > 信息聚合 > 17年显示技术比拼将是彩电市场竞争主旋律


17 years display technology contest theme will be color TV market competition

2017-01-13 02:50:15来源: 光明网

光明网讯 1月12日,海信在北京发布2016-2017电视产业年度发展报告,海信电器总经理胡剑涌对2016-2017彩电市场发展趋势进行了分析,并提出未来海信将坚持高端精品战略,以技术引领市场,做全球高端电视领导品牌。 中国彩电市场需求高端化,成全球电视消费风向标 海信发布的电视...

Kwangmyong (on January 12, hisense released in Beijing television industry's annual development report, 2016-2017, general manager of hisense electric Hu Jianchong in 2016-2017 color TV market developing trend is analyzed, and puts forward the future hisense will adhere to high-end product strategy, technology leading the market, make the global leading brand of high-end TV. China's color TV market demand for high-end, into a global TV consumption Hisense television released...