新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魔兽世界神谕者声望日常任务怎么做


World of Warcraft Oracle prestige daily tasks do

2014-09-27 00:59:19来源: 电玩巴士

问:魔兽世界神谕者声望日常任务怎么做 答: 索拉查盆地,首先,就要找到飞行点。骑马沿着路走吧,一会,你就能看到一个地点映入眼帘:奈辛瓦里远征营地……开始清任务。当然,清任务到最后必然会有杀头...

asked: World of Warcraft Oracle prestige daily tasks do answer: Sholazar Basin, first of all, we should find the flight. Riding along the way to go, for a while, you will see a place to greet: nesin Warri expedition camp...... Start the task. Of course, clear tasks to finally will have beheaded...

标签: 魔兽世界