新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《秀丽江山》王媛可“变身”腹黑女 调侃求观众轻撕

《秀丽江山》王媛可“变身”腹黑女 调侃求观众轻撕

"Beautiful country" Wang Yuan can be "turned" black belly woman seeking audience laugh light tear

2016-08-12 18:20:31来源: 大众网

大众网娱乐 大型古装历史剧《秀丽江山之长歌行》正在江苏卫视热播。正所谓“棋逢对手”,每一部成功的宫斗剧,都会有一个或一群出色的反派角色,《芈月传》如此,《甄嬛传》更是如此。 而在《秀丽江山之长歌...

Entertainment Dazhong large historical costume drama "singing all along," is of Jiangsu TV hit. The so-called "equal skill" every success palace fighting drama, there will be a good or a group of villains, "Mi monthly pass," so, "Zhen Huan Biography" even more so. In the "long song beautiful landscape of the ...