新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蔬菜换茬菜价有涨有跌 "贴秋膘"拉动肉价小幅上扬

蔬菜换茬菜价有涨有跌 "贴秋膘"拉动肉价小幅上扬

Huancha vegetable vegetables up and down "stick autumn fat" pull meat prices rose slightly

2016-08-10 09:22:54来源: 人民网


After the beginning of autumn, the early part of the summer crop of vegetables gradually withdraw from the market, late vegetable crop will begin to market. Recently, Beijing Morning News reporters Zou Fang and Jing Cheng "basket" new hair found an interesting phenomenon, there is a convergence phenomenon Huancha questions on the vegetable supply chain, part of the early crop of vegetables has not completely withdraw from the market, late crop of vegetables on a large sale, cohesion vegetable prices fell on overlapping cause; and some vegetable crop started early delisting, late vegetable crop has still not reached the mass market ...