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国产奶“放心买” 需重树市场信心

Domestic milk "rest assured to buy" to restore market confidence

2016-08-22 11:35:38来源: 中国网

据报道,中国奶业协会近日发布的首份《中国奶业质量报告》显示,2015年全国乳制品抽检合格率达到99.5%;生鲜乳中乳蛋白、乳脂肪两大营养成分平均值都已高于国家标准;规模养殖场生鲜乳中体细胞平均值低于欧盟限量值,我国乳品质量安全水平大幅提升。 国产奶,放心买——这个新闻标题自然是有逻辑...

It's reported that China dairy industry association recently released the first the quality of Chinese dairy report shows that in 2015 the national dairy products sampling percent of pass reaches 99.5%; Fresh milk in the milk protein, milk fat two nutrients have averaged higher than the national standard; Scale farms in raw milk somatic cell below the eu average limit value, the quality and safety of dairy products greatly in our country. Domestic milk, rest assured to buy, this news title is naturally a logic...