新关注 > 信息聚合 > 文溪小学启用《学生成长手册》


Wen Creek Elementary enable the "students grow Handbook"

2016-01-27 10:47:41来源: 磐安新闻网

近日,文溪小学每位小朋友的手上都发到了一本名为“舞动的凤凰”学生成长手册。据悉,这是该校自主设计、编印的,改变了原先一张素质报告单的学业评价模式,在县内小学段尚属首创。 “舞动的凤凰”学生成长手...

Recently, Wen Creek Elementary School each student's hands are sent to a book called "Dancing Phoenix" students grow manual. It is the school independent design, printing, changing the original report of a single academic quality evaluation model segment is the first elementary school in the county. "Dancing Phoenix" students grow hand ...