新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中法生态城绿色出行率将超90%


France eco city green travel rate will exceed 90%

2015-12-09 03:35:17来源: 长江商报

长江商报消息 法国设计专家首次在汉勾画“未来城”框架,引入“微融合”理念模糊社区阶层区分 本报记者 刘迅 通讯员 柳鹏 未来中法武汉生态新城将建成什么样? 昨日,在武汉设计双年展分会场中南建筑...

Changjiang Daily News in France for the first time in the Chinese design expert sketch "future city" framework, introduced the micro integration concept of fuzzy community social status between the reporter Liu Xun correspondent Liu Peng Sino French Wuhan ecological new town will be built in what? Yesterday, at the Wuhan Design Biennial venue South building...