新关注 > 信息聚合 > 也是传奇!邓肯告别97级新秀只剩一个人


Is also a legend! Duncan said goodbye to level 97 rookie with only one person

2016-07-12 02:40:16来源: 新浪

传奇 新浪体育讯 北京时间7月11日,马刺官方推特发布了邓肯退役的消息,1997年的选秀状元就这样离开了他奋战了19年的联盟,于此同时,我们却想到了1995年的首轮5号秀凯文-加内特却依然坚持在...

Legendary sina sports news Beijing time on July 11, the SAN Antonio spurs official twitter released the news Duncan retired, the 1997 draft but it left him fight 19 years of the alliance, at the same time, we have thought of the first round of the 5, 1995 show Kevin garnett still insist on...