新关注 > 信息聚合 > 400开头电话来电,不是推销就是诈骗?


400 telephone calls at the beginning, not to sell is fraud?

2016-08-19 20:50:44来源: CTI论坛

以“400”开头的电话,原本是通信运营商专门设计的全国范围内号码统一的虚拟电话总机,为提高客户服务质量,国内大型企业基本开通了400电话作为客服热线。 但是,一些犯罪分子利用群众对400电话的信...

To the "400" at the beginning of the phone, originally is specifically designed for the communication operators nationwide in uniform number of virtual switchboard, in order to improve the quality of customer service, the domestic large enterprises basic opened 400 phones as a customer service hotline. However, some criminals use the masses on the 400 phone letter...