新关注 > 信息聚合 > 比戴珠宝你一定会输给这几位奶奶级网红(组图)


Than wearing jewelry you will lose these few grandma network red (Photos)

2016-08-14 06:35:58来源: 金融界

导语:如果在你的印象中时髦还只是少女、小鲜肉们的专利,老奶奶就只可能是时髦绝缘体的话,那就未免太Too Young Too Simple了。和这些老奶奶比穿搭佩戴珠宝,没准你都输了。 Lyn Sl...

Lead: If you have the impression that fashion is only girls, small meat of the patent, it just might be fashionable grandmother insulator, then it would be too Too Young Too Simple up. And the grandmother than outfit to wear jewelry, chances are you have lost. Lyn Sl ...