新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《微微一笑很倾城》口碑赞 baby井柏然全场告白

《微微一笑很倾城》口碑赞 baby井柏然全场告白

The smile is the whole word of mouth praise baby jingboran full confession

2016-08-11 02:32:02来源: 千龙


August 8, adapted from novel, starring Angelababy, jingboran fantasy love movie "the smile is the whole" premiere conference held in Beijing. In the evening, the director terry with Angelababy, jingboran, and the cast of "group" smile day, going to the cinema and the first fan close interaction. The audience warm atmosphere, exclamation film punchline tears fly together at the same time, have said the film only beautiful sea...