新关注 > 信息聚合 > 意甲-沙拉维首秀蝎勾破门 罗马3-1夺2016年首胜

意甲-沙拉维首秀蝎勾破门 罗马3-1夺2016年首胜

- were the salad d debut serie a goal Roman 3-1 away first win in 2016

2016-01-31 07:45:33来源: 新浪

沙拉维庆祝进球 新浪体育讯 北京时间1月31日3时45分(意大利当地时间30日20时45分),意甲第22轮开始1场较量,罗马主场3比1胜弗罗西诺内,取得2016年首胜,也是近14场正式比赛第2胜...

Salad d goal celebration Dispatch of sina sports Beijing time on January 31, 3 when 45 (30, 20 local time, the Italian 45 points) and re-scheduled week 22 games start game 1, 3 to 1 victory over roma home, novartis, obtains the first win in 2016, was nearly 14 games second victory...