新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国内没有的钻孔活检 或许你只需要一个刀片

国内没有的钻孔活检 或许你只需要一个刀片

No domestic drilling biopsy Maybe you just need a blade

2016-07-27 16:56:45来源: 丁香园

来自印度的 Gupta 博士近日在 JAAD 刊文,报道了一项简易钻孔器的制备,原材料竟然是剃刀和皮下注射针。 外科挑战 在皮肤科门诊部,使用一次性钻孔器行皮肤活检是一项基本操作。这些钻孔器通常...

Dr Gupta from India in the JAAD recently published stories, reported the preparation of a simple borer, raw material is razor and hypodermic needle. Surgical challenge In dermatology clinics, the use of disposable line borer skin biopsy is a fundamental operation. Usually these borer...