新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《枪炮与魔法》抢先公开机甲系统特色


"Guns and magic," the first to open the armor system features

2016-01-08 10:38:06来源: 太平洋游戏网

《枪炮与魔法》今日官方抢先针对机甲系统以及机器人大战系统进行介绍,玩家揭开神秘国度暗藏的终极兵器。 机甲系统 变形金刚在身后关爱你 当玩家角色等级达到 45 级时,即可获得「机甲系统」为你两...

"Guns and Magic" today for the first official armor systems and robot wars systems are introduced, players uncover the hidden land of mystery ultimate weapon. Transformers armor system behind love you as role players reach level 45, you can get "armor system" as you two ...