新关注 > 信息聚合 > 男篮VS山西1点神似梦一 从-2到+37宫帅暗藏玄机

男篮VS山西1点神似梦一 从-2到+37宫帅暗藏玄机

Men's basketball team vs Shanxi 1 little likeness dream a from - 2 to + 37 house of handsome hidden mystery

2015-09-22 18:00:51来源: 网易

网易体育9月22日报道: 中国男篮此番出战长沙世锦赛绝对称得上“哀兵”二字。队内人员新老交替有断层的隐患,外界舆论更是举国媒体一致不看好,有关领导干脆在男篮内部进行类似封口令的训话,要求男篮队员少...

, Netease sports 9 reported on March 22, the Chinese men's basketball team overwhelmed play Changsha world championships will never be called "underdog" 2 words. Team personnel new old alternant fault hidden trouble, outside opinion is national media the same is not optimistic about, the relevant leaders simply inside the men's basketball team were similar letter password lecture, requiring little men's basketball team.