新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马骏:全球绿色金融发展亟须应对五大挑战


Ma: global green financial development need to cope with the challenge of five

2016-09-01 10:07:53来源: 中国网

●绿色行业很多是中长期项目,如污水、固废、新能源、地铁、铁路等,项目的还款期都是十年甚至二十年。不少国家依赖银行体系为绿色项目提供融资,但银行系统会受到期限错配的制约。 ●由于对绿色金融产品缺乏界定,投资者不知道哪些是绿色项目或绿色资产,即使想投资这个领域,也很难识别投资标的。以绿色...

A lot of green industry is medium to long term projects, such as sewage, solid waste, new energy, subway, railway, project repayment period is ten years or twenty years. Many countries depend on the banking system for the green project financing, but the banking system is restricted by the term mismatch. Low because of lack of definition of green financial products, investors do not know what is the green project or green assets, even if want to invest in this area, it is hard to identify investment targets. In green...