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Yiping Huang: What makes a good industrial policy?

2016-08-24 04:06:22来源: 财新网

【财新网】(专栏作家 黄益平)政府是否应该采取产业政策、尤其是应该采取什么样的产业政策?这是关注经济发展的学者经常思考的一个重要问题。产业政策问题的提出,最初可能跟“市场失灵”问题有关。比如,创新成本高、风险大,收益却无法完全内部化,所以发展新兴产业比较难。这样,如果政府采取一些政策措施...

[Financial new network] (Columnist Huang Yiping) whether the Government should adopt industrial policies, in particular should take what kind of industrial policy? This is an important concern economic development scholars often think. Proposed industrial policy issues, may initially with the "market failure" issue. For example, the high cost of innovation, risk, benefits are not fully internalize it more difficult to develop new industries. Thus, if the Government has taken a number of policy measures ...