新关注 > 信息聚合 > Carved Bowls/雕塑托盘

Carved Bowls/雕塑托盘

Carved bowls / sculpture tray

2015-11-07 20:45:52来源: 大河网

勺子掠过,在酸奶上留下道道凹痕,高低不一、层次分明,这给设计师 Jordi Lopez Aguilo 带来了灵感,创建了「雕塑托盘/Carved Bowls」。全实木手工制作,有尺寸也有份量,最适合...

spoon skim, in yogurt leave a dent in the road, high and low, distinct, this to the designer Jordi Lopez Aguilo bring the inspiration, to create a "sculpture tray / Carved bowls". All solid wood hand made, there is also the size of the weight, the most suitable...