新关注 > 信息聚合 > 芜湖成为全国少数民族流动人口服务管理示范城市


Wuhu become national minority floating population service management demonstration city

2016-09-06 21:18:09来源: 中安在线

中安在线讯 据芜湖日报报道, 国家民委于近日先后确定了两批共12个城市为全国“少数民族流动人口服务管理示范城市”,芜湖作为安徽省唯一的城市入选。 为贯彻落实中央民族工作会议、全国城市民族工作会议...

Jung an online inquiry According to wuhu daily reported that the state ethnic affairs in recently has identified the two batches of a total of 12 cities by the national "minority floating population service management model city", wuhu) as the only city in anhui province. To implement the central ethnic work conference, the national urban national work conference...