新关注 > 信息聚合 > 兰州:苍蝇蟑螂随处可见 东岗西路一食堂被令停业

兰州:苍蝇蟑螂随处可见 东岗西路一食堂被令停业

Lanzhou: cockroaches flies everywhere visible Donggang Road West in a cafeteria was ordered to business

2015-06-19 06:25:16来源: 每日甘肃网

苍蝇蟑螂随处可见东岗路一食堂被令停业 每日甘肃网-兰州晨报讯(记者窦阳)6月18日,城关区食品药品稽查局联合渭源路食品药品监督管理所和靖远路食品药品监督管理所,对辖区内的非法餐饮单位进行了查处。...

fly and cockroach everywhere visible Donggang road a canteen was ordered closed daily Gansu Lanzhou Morning News (reporter Dou Yang) for 6 months 18, Chengguan District food and Drug Inspection Bureau jointly Weiyuan Road food and drug supervision and Administration and Jingyuan County Road food and drug supervision and management, within the jurisdiction of the illegal catering units were investigated. ...