新关注 > 信息聚合 > 邰正宵:生活困难时写歌最好


When Samuel tai: life difficult writing songs best

2016-09-06 09:49:18来源: 人民网

邰正宵、黄子佼 模唱综艺节目《隐藏的歌手》第二季本周日晚继续在全国十几个地面频道同步播出。本期节目邀请到的原唱歌手是“玫瑰王子”邰正宵。采访中,邰正宵回忆起刚出道时的辛酸,讲述曾与“小太阳”钟汉...

Samuel tai, mickey huang MoChang variety show "hidden" in the second quarter Sunday night to dozen terrestrial channels synchronous broadcast across the country. Singer is the original singer of this program invited to Samuel tai prince "rose". Interview, recall the poignancy when I started out, Samuel tai had romance with "little" Zhong Han...