新关注 > 信息聚合 > 荷花船亮相扬州第30届全国荷花展


Lotus boat debut at the thirtieth national lotus exhibition in Yangzhou

2016-07-28 20:56:34来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动 美女在与荷花窃窃私语。 钟学满 摄 荷花船在万花园水域巡游。 孟德龙 摄 7月28日,第30届全国荷花展在扬州瘦西湖风景区开幕,在瘦西湖万花园水域,四条荷花船用逼真的荷花荷叶装扮,...

Participate in interactive beauty in the lotus and whispering. Zhong Xueman photo lotus boat parade in million garden waters. Meng Delong, July 28th, the thirtieth national lotus exhibition opened in the Slender West Lake scenic area in Yangzhou, Slender West Lake million garden waters, four lotus boat with a realistic lotus leaf dress,...