新关注 > 信息聚合 > 房产税时代或提前到来 解决收入分配问题

房产税时代或提前到来 解决收入分配问题

Property taxes ahead of the arrival of the times or solve the problem of income distribution

2016-07-31 16:33:05来源: 环球网

目前来看,除了不动产统一登记制度全面落地尚需时日等技术方面的原因,房地产税全面开征的主要难点在于如何理顺税制。开征房地产税不是简单地推出一个新税种,而必须是一个改革和理顺现行税制的过程,与房地产相关的各个环节的税种及税率必须统筹安排、协调推进。 2016年被称为不动产统一登记制度“落地...

Currently, in addition to the real estate registration system is fully unified landing reasons take time and other technical aspects of the comprehensive real estate tax levy main difficulty is how to rationalize the tax system. Introduction of real estate tax is not simply the introduction of a new tax, but must be a process of reform and rationalization of the current tax system, all aspects of real estate-related taxes and tax rates must co-ordinate arrangements, coordinated manner. 2016 Real estate uniform registration system is called "floor ...