新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河南前5个月重点项目开工率52.3%


Henan five months before the key project of capacity utilization by 52.3%

2016-08-04 16:55:56来源: 中国经济导报

中国经济导报讯 赵培玲记者潘热新报道 近日,河南省重点项目办发布《今年前5个月全省A类重点项目投资完成情况的通报》指出,今年前5个月,河南省876个A类项目完成投资2638亿元,占年度目标的43.4%,开工项目148个,开工率52.3%,呈现出加码提速的赶超态势。 据介绍,所谓A类重...

China economic review Pan hot new Zhao Peiling press coverage Released recently, the key projects in henan province for the first five months of this year the province class A completion key projects investment bulletin pointed out that the first five months of this year, and 876 in henan province class A project completed investment of 263.8 billion yuan, accounting for 43.4% of the annual target, started in 148, operating at 52.3%, presents the overweight faster to catch up with. According to introducing, the so-called class A heavy...