新关注 > 信息聚合 > 花两元钱让一吨劣五类工业废水变清水


Spend two dollars for a ton of inferior to five categories of industrial waste water

2015-05-07 03:08:11来源: 大河网

原标题:花两元钱让一吨劣五类工业废水变清水 ■最新发现与创新 科技日报讯 (刘曙甲 刘志伟 蓝静)截至4月30日,浙江嵊州市嵊新污水处理厂,已满负荷平稳运行120天,日处理劣五类工业污水15...

original title: to spend two dollars to let a ton of inferior to five categories of industrial wastewater into water - the latest findings and innovation of science and Technology Daily News (Liu Shujia Liu Zhiwei blue static) as of April 30, Shengzhou City, Zhejiang Province, Sheng new sewage treatment plant, full load and stable running of 120 days, daily processing inferior to five categories of industrial sewage 15...