新关注 > 信息聚合 > 搏击八大俊才齐聚济宁 昆仑决65KG级将诞生新王

搏击八大俊才齐聚济宁 昆仑决65KG级将诞生新王

Fight the eight players gathered in jining Kunlun level of 65 kg will be born the new king

2016-07-24 18:39:09来源: 新浪

张景磊 如果说鸿坤昆仑决的70公斤级世界冠军赛是你的心头好,那么最新打造的65kg世界冠军赛16人战也必然能吸引你的眼球。7月31日,昆仑决48·济宁站,你将看到65kg世界冠军赛16进8的前四...

Zhang Jinglei If hongkun kunlun of 70 kg of world championship is your good, so the latest build 65 kg's world championship 16 people must also can attract your attention. On July 31, the kunlun station of 48, jining, you will see 65 kg 16 into eight world championship in the first four...