新关注 > 信息聚合 > 德拉甘:8场不胜我担责任,马林称泰达更强


Dragan: 8 field victorious I bear responsibility, Marin said TEDA stronger

2016-07-31 23:56:05来源: 华体网

7月31日,天津泰达在中超联赛中主场2-2战平辽宁。在赛后新闻发布会上,泰达主帅德拉甘表示,球队8场不胜自己要承担责任,但球队依然能够创造机会。辽宁主帅马林则表示,泰达比辽宁更强,比分可以接受。 ...

July 31, Tianjin Teda 2-2 home draw in the Super League Liaoning. In the post-match press conference, Teda coach Dragan said the team 8 games without a win they have to take responsibility, but the team is still able to create opportunities. Liaoning coach Marin said that TEDA more than Liaoning, the score is acceptable. ...