新关注 > 信息聚合 > 影界“大咖”冀中国年轻导演“沉住气”


Umbra "Great coffee" Ji Zhongguo young directors "deep breath"

2016-07-28 04:08:29来源: 中国新闻网

中新社西宁7月28日电 (记者 罗云鹏)27日晚间举行的第10届西宁FIRST青年电影展颁奖礼前,香港电影导演王家卫在内的多名影界“大咖”在媒体见面会上表示,希望中国年轻一代导演“沉住气”、“不忘初...

China news agency, Xining, July 28 (Reporter Luo Yunpeng) - Held 27 evening before the 10th Xining FIRST Youth Film Festival Awards, the Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai film, including several film industry "big coffee" in the media conference He expressed the hope that the younger generation of Chinese directors "deep breath", "forget the beginning ...