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Gossip: to see the fate of fate by numerology line (map)

2014-08-18 13:05:07来源: 新浪

文/易天生 通过命运线看命运(图片来源于作者博客) 人生的变幻起伏无定,当顺境之时,做起任何事来都是畅通无阻;但是失意的时候,便处处碰钉,因此做人需未雨绸缪,不要等到自己完全失运才去想办法解救...

article / Yi Tiansheng through the fate of the line to see the fate (photograph on the author's blog) changes the ups and downs of life of no fixed time, surely, is to start anything to SMOOTH OPERATOR; but frustrated, we can touch the nail, therefore one to save, do not wait until their own complete loss of transport to think of a way to save...