新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小米5包装盒曝光:配色大揭密!风格像苹果是怎么..


Millet box 5 exposure: color revealed! Style like apple is how..

2016-01-28 18:06:30来源: 站长之家

[摘要] 从去年到今年,小米5的热度从未减退过,而随着发布日期的公布和发布会门票的开售,小米5的热议度更是水涨船高。现在,国外网站放出了小米5的包装盒,显示小米5将拥有金、粉、白、黑四种配色,疑似采...

[Abstract] from last year to this year, millet heat 5 never waned, and with the release date of publication and conference tickets on sale, millet 5 hot discussion of is a rising tide lifts all boats. Now, the foreign web site released a 5 millet packaging box, millet 5 will have a display of gold, pink, white, black four colors, suspected mining...

标签: 苹果